1 ERROR: Could not initialize Direct Sound. Ensure that you have a sound card installed properly and no other applications are using sound. \nPress OK to continue without sound or CANCEL to quit. 2 Chaos Island 3 %i 4 Supplies: %i/%i 5 Recruited %i of %i Maximum 6 (cost %i) 7 Base Camp 8 Base Camp Level 2 9 Base Camp Level 3 10 Tent 11 Shelter 12 Hardened Shelter 13 Artificial Nest 14 Incubator 15 Super Incubator 16 Tool Shed 17 Electronics Shed 18 Science Lab 19 High Hide 20 Fire Barrier 21 You may only recruit %i Team Member(s) at this time. 22 Sarah Harding Found 23 Build a base camp to collect supplies. 24 Artificial Nest Found 25 Vision Level +1 26 Defensive Strength +1 27 Speed +1 28 Carrying Capacity +1 29 Offensive Strength +1 30 Vision Level +2 31 Defensive Strength +2 32 Speed +2 33 Carrying Capacity +2 34 Offensive Strength +2 35 Base Camp Level 2 36 Points: %i/%i 37 Supplies: %i 38 Quit Game \nAre you sure you wish \nto quit this game? 39 Are you sure you wish to restart this mission? 40 More supplies are needed to recruit this Team Member. 41 The selected Team Member is no longer available. \nThis building will be canceled. 42 Cancel Building \n \nAre you sure you want to cancel this building?\n 43 More supplies are needed \nto make this building. 44 A Team Member needs to be selected to \nbe able to make a building. 45 A base camp is needed to collect eggs. 46 A base camp is needed to collect supplies. 47 Eddie Carr 48 Ian Malcolm 49 Nick van Owen 50 Sarah Harding 51 Kelly 52 Research Assistant 53 More supplies are needed \nfor this upgrade. 54 Building is not available \non this level. 55 An Invalid Unit ID has been detected. 56 (New save game) 57 There are no Team Members available for this upgrade. 58 Error Loading Game. 59 Error Saving File. 60 More disk space is needed to save this game. 61 More free disk space is needed for this application to run. 62 Are you sure that you wish to delete \n%s? 63 Name: 64 Vision 65 Armor 66 Speed 67 Carry 68 Damage 69 Missing files were detected. Please ensure that the game is installed properly. (HD) 70 The Chaos Island CD is not in the drive. \n \nPress OK when CD is in the drive. \nPress Cancel to Quit. 71 Chaos Island: Error 72 Move your team members around the map \nto reveal new terrain. 73 You need to build a Base Camp before you can collect supplies. 74 Find Sarah Harding by exploring the map. 75 You need to build two Tents. 76 You have built a Base Camp and can now pick up supplies! 77 You have found Sarah Harding! 78 You have built one Tent! 79 You have built two Tents! 80 You need to find the Artificial Nest. 81 You need to build a Base Camp before you can \ncollect eggs and supplies. 82 Try to collect any dinosaur eggs that you find. 83 You need to repair the bridge in order to cross the river. 84 You need to get to the dock. 85 You have built a Base Camp and can now pick up supplies! 86 You have collected a dinosaur egg! 87 You have found the Artificial Nest! You can now hatch any \ndinosaur eggs you collect. 88 The bridge has been repaired! 89 You have reached the dock successfully! 90 You need to build three Fire Barriers. 91 You need to find and hatch 3 clutches of Compsognathus eggs. 92 You have built one Fire Barrier. 93 You have built two Fire Barriers. 94 You have built three Fire Barriers! 95 You have hatched one clutch of Compys. 96 You have hatched two clutches of Compys. 97 You have hatched three clutches of Compys. 98 You need to take out all of the hunter jeeps. 99 Try hatching some Dilophosaurs ('spitter') to reach \nthe jeeps across the river 100 You need to upgrade the speed of at least one team member. 101 You need to build a Tool Shed in order to access the \nspeed upgrade. 102 You have succeeded in taking out all of the hunter jeeps! 103 You have built a Tool Shed! You now have access to upgrades. 104 You have upgraded the speed of a team member! 105 You need to herd at least 5 Parasaurs to the lake. 106 You have succeeded in herding 5 Parasaurs to the lake! 107 You cannot build any new structures during this mission. 108 You need to retrieve the baby T-Rex from Hunter Camp \nand return it to your Base Camp. 109 You need to free all four of the captured dinosaurs \nin the Hunter Camp. 110 Free the trapped dinosaurs by attacking the fences that \ncontain them. 111 Try using the TNT plunger to clear blocked passageways. 112 You blew up the rock bridge! 113 You found the baby T-Rex! 114 You have freed one captured dinosaur. 115 You have freed two captured dinosaurs. 116 You have freed three captured dinosaurs. 117 You have freed all captured dinosaurs! 118 You have succeeded in getting the baby T-Rex back \nto your Base Camp! 119 You need to return the baby T-Rex to its nest. 120 You need to free the mother T-Rex. 121 Try using the High-Hides to protect your team members. 122 You succeeded in returning the baby T-Rex to its nest! 123 You have freed the mother T-Rex. 124 You need to build an Electronics Shed. 125 The Electronics Shed can be built once you have \nupgraded your Base Camp. 126 You need to get at least one team member to the service tunnel. 127 Triceratops are a good match for the hunter tanks. 128 You have upgraded your Base Camp! You can now build \nnew types of structures. 129 You have built an Electronics Shed! You now have access \nto new building types and upgrades. 130 You have succeeded in reaching the service tunnel! 131 You need to free all seven of the trapped dinosaurs. 132 You need to get all remaining team members to the \nBrachiosaur skeleton. 133 You have freed one trapped dinosaur. 134 You have freed two trapped dinosaurs. 135 You have freed three trapped dinosaurs. 136 You have freed four trapped dinosaurs. 137 You have freed five trapped dinosaurs. 138 You have freed six trapped dinosaurs. 139 You have freed all of the trapped dinosaurs! 140 You have succeeded in reaching the Brachiosaur skeleton! 141 You need to rescue Eddie from the hunter's camp. 142 You need to build a Science Lab. 143 The Science Lab can be built once you have an Electronics Shed. 144 You need to get Eddie safely to the power plant. 145 You have rescued Eddie from the hunters!. 146 You have built an Electronics Shed! You now have \naccess to new building types and upgrades. 147 You have built a Science Lab! You now have access \nto new upgrades. 148 You have succeeded in getting Eddie safely to the power plant! 16000 Double clicking on team members or dinosaurs under your control will give more information. 16001 Compys are easily killed, but they are fast enough to be good scouts. 16002 Double clicking on your base camp lets you recruit new gatherers. 16003 Plant-eating dinosaurs can be ordered to clear away trees that may block your way. 16004 Use the Dilophosaurs to attack at a distance, even across obstacles. 16005 Send wounded team members into tents or shelters to heal more quickly. 16006 Build fire barriers near your camp to keep rogue dinosaurs away. 16007 Double clicking on a tool shed lets you upgrade the abilities of your gatherers. 16008 If a dinosaur is chasing you, try to distract it by running past some hunters. 16009 Raptors are most effective when attacking in a pack of three or more.